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The Journey Begins with the Cover!

I started writing what would become the first book in the Algorithm of Life series in 2023 and I am so excited that it is finally ready to share with all of you. All the self-publishing book sites tell you to make a big deal of the cover reveal...but, I would have had to time it pretty perfectly with the moment I accepted the final proofs! Digital books and all that...

Once you've all gotten into the story, you'll understand there's no better way for the cover art to make its way into the world than via the algorithms and metadata of commerce rather than by my deliberate reveal! So without further ado, I'm thrilled to share the cover art and officially kick-start the pre-order process!

A futuristic cityscape on the horizon

After nearly three years working on this story, I don't know that I'll ever get tired of seeing it as a real thing that people can experience!!

Follow this space for more information about Clementine, the Conglomerate, the world of the Algorithm of Life including direct links to place your pre-orders. In the meantime, please follow @gillywater54...and maybe search for "Gillian Fletcher + Called" at your favorite bookseller and posting the results as a comment?


1 Comment

Jun 24, 2024

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