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A to Z: Guardianship

A futuristic police officer with a complete robotic exoskeleton

In the world of the Souvern Conglomerate, citizens are expected to comply fully with Conglomerate policies. Citizens suspected of being in violation of any policy will be investigated and, when applicable, detained and prosecuted. From Gateways to the centers, the division of Conglomerate Guardianship has a footprint in each of the two dozen Citadels.

Famous for their distinctive appearance, most citizens recognize Guardians by the exoskeleton worn by those in positions of active duty. Because Guardianship also includes investigators, emergency services, and prosecution, not all who serve wear the suits. Those who do find the simple neural link connection transforms them into a preternatural machine capable of extrasensory perception and protected by impenetrable armor.

The majority of citizens who commit transgressions are prosecuted and rehabilitated to rejoin the nation in service. Those whose transgressions are more grievous may be subject to indentured service or further detainment by Guardianship. While the Conglomerate has strict rules for the citizens, the rate of transgression among the population remains low as Conglomerate policies are only enacted to ensure the safety of all citizens and the prosperity of the nation.



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